Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Something interesting happened this evening. My Pastor has been teaching on spiritual gifts, and tonight he gave us a profile screening that is supposed to help us identify our strengths and weaknesses. I discovered that my strength is knowledge, but teaching wasn't even in the top 3 or 4. Pastor said it means that I would rather study than teach....since this is my 2nd Masters degree...I guess its accurate.


Jenny Clark said...

I love the title! Whenyou were a teacher, did you find that you enjoyed the act of teaching, the children, or the finding out novel information the most?

Liz said...

Very interesting! I think that is funny because you are an awesome teacher. You have great ideas, great delivery and you work really well with the kids. I wonder what my strengths and weaknesses would be if I took the profile screening.??? Control freak??... LOL! Just kidding!

Jenny Clark said...

Doesn't studying and teaching almost equate to the same thing? Is studying meaning solitary?