Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Germany Day 13

We had Sunday School in English with Bro. Gary. He did a really good lesson on the person of Jesus Christ. Then we had a regular church service in German. We recognized a couple of songs because they used the same music. Thankfully Bro. Gary translated for us, while Bro. Michael preached.
Then we drove to Frankfurt to have lunch with Bro. Gary's church. He has a group of Burmese people who made us a German lunch of ham, mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut.
I never saurkraut in the States, I don't even like the smell of it...but I ate this sauerkraut-it was delicious.
Then we had church in German..but Bro. Michael translated while Bro. Gary preached. It was a really good service.

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