Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pg 57-67

How Do We Know Whether a Student has a Reading Disability?
If a student fails to respond to quality instruction and interventions, they may be referred to special education for a full and individual evaluation to determine if there is a learning disability.
LD is the most prevalent of the 13 special education disability categories, and was typically measured as a discrepancy between IQ and achievement. However, this method of identification is no longer the primary source for a determination of disability. States can also use RTI to determine a LD.
The book lists 7 LD categories including basic reading and reading comprehension, but reading fluency was also added with the reauthorization.
The authors define a learning disability as “a pattern of intra-individual strengths and weaknesses” (p. 59).
The authors discuss the attributes of dyslexia-difficulty with word recognition usually accompanied by poor spelling, that are the result of weak phonological processing skills-despite average or above average intelligence and ability.
Note: in Texas, dyslexia is serviced under 504 and not special education

How Do We Distinguish ELL Challenges from Disabilities?
ELL are the fastest growing population in the US, and schools are accountable for their progress under NCLB. Teachers need to understand that ELL difficulties may be the result of the non-native language and not a learning disability. If an ELL is suspected of having a LD, the full and individual evaluation must include the native language, and rule out language factors.
Best practices are discussed-such as native language performance, comparing performance to similar ELLs, the students BICS and CALP, verbal vs non verbal tasks, and response to instruction.

Low Literacy Adults
Non-native English speakers make up a large portion on low literacy adults.
Estimates show that 11 million adults in the US are non literate.

The Literacy Instruction Pie
Effective teachers know how to use data to make instructional decisions.
Reading instruction should include:
Word Analysis
Reading/Writing Connection
The amount of time and complexity of task will vary depending on the grade or ability level of the learner.

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